Thursday, October 1, 2009

Milton Avery ~ Portrait of Annette Kaufman

This image has graced the North wall of the last gallery of American art at the Portland Art Museum since I've been coming to the museum. For years, I wondered who this woman. Why had Milton Avery painted her portrait as well as the man next to her, Louis Kaufman? One day I sat down and did a Google search. It turns out Annette and Louis Kaufman were friends and patrons of Milton Avery beginning in the twenties and early 30's. It seems that in 1926, Mr. Kaufman paid Milton Avery $25 for one of his oil paintings, the very first one Avery sold. On his first date with Annette, Louis Kaufman took her to meet the Averys and to see Milton's work. Louis asked Annette to marry him on their third date and immediately asked Avery to paint a portrait of Annette. It was to be one of many including this one. Look for some of these portraits later in the week as well as more about Milton Avery and his friends and patrons, Annette and Louis Kaufman.

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