Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Courbet Finale

And here is one final self portrait of Courbet:

He has inspired me to think about my own self portrait. It takes courage to really look at yourself.
The video from yesterday was so fabulous, I hope everyone watched it- there's not a muppet out there who doesn't have the courage of Courbet.
Speaking of courage, just two weeks ago here on Fifty Two Pieces we talked about C.S. Price, another artist who used the palette knife to create his paintings. Courbet's paintings don't appear as rough as Price's. But all I've seen are web images, so it's hard to tell. If I want to see Courbet's self portrait above and others in the area I'll have to drive south the San Francsico's Fine Art Museum and check out this portrait he did of his sister:

They also have this Landscape:

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