Thursday, August 27, 2009

Charles-Francois Daubigny ~ Field of Poppies

It's Thursday and it's time to change out the image of the week here at Fifty Two Pieces. We decided not to move far from last week's piece by Gustave Courbet. His The Violoncellist is situated in the northern end of the European galleries and can be seen from a distance as you walk towards it and is almost larger than life. Field of Poppies by Charles-Francois Daubigny hangs on the same wall but to the far right. You'll find it hanging beneath Camille Corot's The Ponds of Ville d'Avray. Both Daubigny's and Corot's paintings take up less gallery space than Courbet's. What all three have in common though is each of the painters being considered part of a group now labelled pre-impressionists. For more on what that means come back tomorrow and each day between now and September 2. Seven days of Daubigny and what we are inspired by after viewing Field of Poppies.

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