Monday, October 26, 2009

Sue Coe ~ A Different View

Do a Google search for Sue Coe and you'll find her very political images. She is unrelenting. Yet there are a few images that show a softer Coe, ones that reflect the humanity and humor you'll find if you see her in person. One of those images is from a series that she made during the time she spent with her mother in England during the eleven days prior to her mother's death. Coe and her sister Mandy Coe stayed with their mother helping her to fulfill her desire to die at home.

This and others from that were exhibited at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. From their website... "Coe's poignant drawings focus on her mother’s hands and head, perhaps a person’s most expressive features. A social and political activist, Coe’s portrayal of her mother’s suffering relates to her larger body of work in which she often gives voice to the weak and disenfranchised in society. "

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