Monday, October 12, 2009

Ruth Bernhard ~ Nudes and Light

Two days ago I was immersed in Ruth Bernhard and her capturing of light, quite phenomenal. In addition to Doorknob, the Portland Art Museum also holds in its collection, Nude in Box. The power of her work was still with me when I visited the Galleria dell'Accademia to see amongst other works of art Michelangelo's David. Lucky for me the Accademia has extended "Perfection in Form", an exhibition of Robert Mapplethorpe's work. Mapplethorpe's photographs are hung in the same gallery as the David as well as other rooms. Bernhard and Mapplethorpe's light became entwined in my vision. As I walked among the nudes and still life images I kept wondering what Mapplethorpe and Bernhard would have said to each other if they had met. That same question applies to Mapplethorpe and Michelangelo. The spokeswoman for the Accademia had this to say about Mapplethorpe and Michelangelo, two controversial artists of their times.

For those of you interested in some of the photographs from the Accademia exhibit, click here. And last but not least, I'm including a few of Bernhard's nudes (on the left) next to a few of Mapplethorpes' nudes (on the right). I think Ruth and Robert would have had a good time talking about photography and life. ...

1 comment:

  1. I have a new appreciation for Robert Mapplethorpe and have found with Ruth Bernhard another photographer to study.
