Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Milton Avery's Blank Face Paintings

Sunday's post started a comment thread, one that made me want to see all of Milton Avery's Blank Face Paintings.
I fell in love with each one.
None seems quite as blank to me as Mother and Child. None as flat.
This one is Conversation from 1956.

And here is Interlude, done in 1960. The color melts me. I absolutely love the forms. The face of the woman in white is far enough away that though flat, she still doesn't feel as blatently blank.

Here is Two Women from 1950. If LaValle and I have another blog this should be our title and image for it.

Here is another wonderful painting called Poetry Reading done in 1957.

Here is Card Players from 1934, compare it to the one done a decade later, shown below:

Gary G. said this is one of his favorite Avery blank face portraits, Card Players from 1944.
These dynamic duo's remind me of LaValle and I. These women are doing timeless things timelessly. These blank faces are a great contrast to those Annette Kaufman eyebrows.

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